With its work for Hamburg-based company Luis Technology, ECCO Hamburg | ad pubilca has made it to the finals of the International German PR Prize by German Public Relations Association (DPRG) in the “Technology and Innovation” category. It is the fourth nomination for the strategy made by ad publica.
Turning assistants can save lives. A truth that is not easy to communicate. Because there are three sides to the issue: First, there are the cyclists for whom a turn-off assistant would save their lives. On the other hand, there are the truck drivers and trucking companies, who are under pressure. And the politicians, who are increasingly coming under public scrutiny.
Expertise in the focus of communication
How do you position in this situation a young Hamburg company that has a commercial product but at the same time a life-saving tool that would help everyone?
ECCO Hamburg | ad publica devised a strategy for this starting position. And placed the makers behind LUIS as experts and contacts for opinion leaders and decision makers. The USP of LUIS was explicitly not to be their product Turning Assistant, but their expertise. In this way, LUIS was able to position itself as a partner of both freight forwarders and politicians, and to bring the discussion about the turn-off assistant a big step forward.
As a planned “by-product” of this strategy, it was only logical that the turn-off assistant, for which the experts at LUIS are responsible, also gained in reputation and success. Thus ad publica’s strategy not only resulted in successful reputation management, but also in the strongest quarter in terms of sales since the company was founded. After three previous nominations, this has now been rewarded with a short list position at the finals for the International German PR Prize. It is awarded by the DPRG and is considered one of the most prestigious prizes in the industry.
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