Hello Chatbot: How can I be number one?
“Where can I find tomatoes near Zurich main station?” ECCO Switzerland|Bernet Relations asked ChatGPT. The result shows that SEO could soon become even more important for communication and marketing. Instead of the usual list of search results, artificial intelligence in the form of chatbots usually spits out just one answer.
Chatbots are popping up everywhere! Every major international tech company seems to be working on its own artificial intelligence (AI) to help users with everyday tasks. The increasingly intense cooperation between humans and AI is also a topic on the Swiss Communications Trend Radar 2023. Is it too far fetched to believe that chatbots will soon replace traditional searches on the internet?
Our tomato test using the example of ChatGPT shows what effects this could have:
Is AI the child of Migros?
Instead of the usual list of results we obtain one an internet search, AI only provides a single specific answer. ChatGPT obviously favours Migros, Switzerland’s largest retail chain. If the trend is moving towards this type of internet search, certain search criteria will become even more relevant. After all, you would want your own organisation to be spat out as the only answer for relevant searches.
Linking the right terms
AI understands that you can buy tomatoes in a grocery shop and creates the link to various suppliers. However, in order to link the relevant terms to one’s own organisation, advanced SEO is necessary. Topics on which one wants to be an expert or leader must also be linked to the organisation. The more effectively this is done, the more likely you will come out on top in a search.
Interaction between chatbot and organisation
The chatbot only has information that it finds publicly available. If you proactively provide the AI with information about your own organisation, its knowledge increases so both benefit. More information offers more opportunities to be found and shown. But: data protection is a very important issue with chatbots. This must be taken into account before providing information.
Chatbots for everyday support of users are currently popping up everywhere, but will they stay and even displace the traditional internet search? This development needs to be monitored. Since chatbots do not provide a list as a result, but often just one answer, it is necessary for organisations to position themselves optimally at an early stage in order to obtain prioritisation. Appropriate measures can already be considered today.
FunFact: The Artificial Intelligence at ChatGPT is still in development and often does not have current data. After all, there is no Migros branch at the address given.
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